About Us
Passion is at the heart of all that we do.
So this is who we are...
We’re a boutique fulfillment and warehouse partner who loves serving some amazing customers.
What makes us boutique you ask?
Well, to start with, we get that when it comes to your exceptional product and prized customers, you’re probably not interested in a “one size fits all” approach to fulfillment and warehousing.
Our goal is to be nimble, quick and able to meet the unique needs of our unique customers.
Our specialty is B2C fulfillment, accepting orders right from your website.
Sure, we have best practices that we guide our customers with, but we’re also all about hearing what you need and doing our part to make your dream of effortless and accurate fulfillment a reality.
And we like to keep it simple. Once we understand your needs, we’ll do everything we can to keep the line items on our invoice low and the accolades high!
So call it boutique, or call it bespoke…or call it just plain beautiful, it’s what we strive to do!
We love to hire “eager to serve” people who share our passion for customer care and excellence. In fact, we call our warehouse team the Dream Team!
Brett & Sheila Waldman are our founders. They are crazy in love with the Lord and with each other.
Fulfillment By TRISTAN is a division of TRISTAN Publishing.

Brett Waldman - Founder
What gets you up in the morning?
Time in the Word…and my alarm.
Three words that describe your personality:
Your interests outside of work:
We love to sail the ocean blue…or any body of water where you can float a boat.
Sweet or Salty?
Sweet, but the combo of both gets high ratings in my book (think along the lines of Kettle Corn).
Dogs or Cats?
Dogs – paws down.
Pools or lakes?
Lakes. I prefer to set anchor in the sand, on a drink of water where sails can be hoisted, and we can go on hook/ off grid for the weekend…or a year.

Sheila Waldman - President of Relationships
What get’s you up in the morning?
The sunshine
Time in God’s Word
A good cup of coffee
And of course getting into the office with the hope of making a difference in the world!
Three words that describe your personality:
(Well that’s five, but I’ll take liberty.)
My interests outside of work:
Sharing precious time and deep talks with family and friends, sailing, cooking…and eating good food!
Sweet or salty?
Salty! I love my popcorn!
Dog or cats?
Dogs – Bugatti would have it no other way!
Pools or lakes?
Lakes, because you can’t sail a boat in a pool.

Larry Pivec - Warehouse Manager
What get’s you up in the morning?
Angel (our dog) - she can't wait to start the day with her favorite people!
Three words that describe your personality:
My interests outside of work:
Runs/walks with my wife, Cynthia, & Angel.
Golf & Pickleball.
Sweet or salty?
Both - it's important to have a balanced diet.
Dog or cats?
Dogs - it would be hard to go on a 10 mile run with a cat.
Pools or lakes?
Lakes - fewer laps running around a lake & better scenery.

Francisca Houg - Team Administrator
What gets you up in the morning?
I am honestly not much of a morning person… but there really isn’t much a cup of coffee can’t fix!
Three words that describe your personality:
Your interests outside of work:
Anything I can do with my hands like cooking, baking & crocheting or crafting (usually while listening to an audiobook or podcast).
Playing tennis or video games with my husband, Aaron.
Sweet or Salty?
My answer changes almost daily…Today, I would say sweet!
Dogs or Cats?
Dogs! I’ve never met one I didn’t adore. Cats usually have a…stronger personality.
Pools or lakes?
Am I allowed to say neither? I LOVE the ocean – the salty breeze in my face and the beach waves in my hair are some of my absolute favorite things! And it reminds me of my birth home – Chile. Knowing that I can dip my toes in the same water that touches its shores fills my heart.

Bugatti - Team Mascot
What gets you up in the morning?
Snuggles with my mom and dad…and the smell of breakfast!
Three words that describe your personality:
Brave (according to my mom and dad)
Your interests outside of work:
At almost 16, I love to stroll the path by our house and enjoy the smells of those who have gone before me that day! It's the best!
Sweet or Salty?
Either…whichever has fallen on the floor!
Dogs or Cats?
Seriously, I can't even go there…
Pools or lakes?
Lakes for sure, because I'm a sailor dog and you can't sail a boat in a pool.
Our Distribution Team
We call this team our Dream Team. And without a doubt, this is the team that showcases the phrase “Team work makes the dream work”! Hey, sure, that may be corny, but bottom line, it’s the truth!
We hire amazing people, who have a passion for customer care, teamwork, and overall excellence.
If that sounds like you, and you’re interested in a position on our Fulfillment By TRISTAN Warehouse Dream Team, please fill out our Dream Team application form below and let us know!
We’d love to connect.
Like every 3PL company our staffing needs change as our customer’s volume fluctuates, so if we don’t have positions available now that can change quickly!